Helping adults overcome anxiety via exposure therapy - an empirically validated technique for anxiety

Online Anxiety Therapy

Are high levels of stress and anxiety preventing you from feeling well? Do you too often feel tense, worried, and stuck in repetitive thinking? Or, perhaps you put too much pressure on yourself to excel in work and relationships, yet never feel sufficient?

For many people, anxiety is most burdensome when it causes you to worry that your life is going to fall apart – “if this gets worse, I’m going to lose my job or fail in school.”

Anxiety affects everyone differently and can be challenging to overcome on your own.

Signs your anxiety may require professional support:

  • It occurs even without noticeable triggers

  • It reaches very high levels, perhaps even causing panic attacks

  • It affects your performance at work, school, or in relationships.

  • It leads you to use alcohol, drugs, or other potentially harmful coping strategies

  • It causes you to avoid engagements that are very important to you

Our team utilizes evidence-based techniques to help you feel whole again. We are gentle and highly collaborative, yet very active in leading you through specific steps necessary to overcome anxiety. We’ll get to the root of the problem, and help you feel calm, clear-minded, and courageous in your day-to-day life.

Two people on bike anxiety therapist

Anxiety Exists for Two Main Reasons

Our first task in anxiety therapy is to figure out why it is not going away naturally. For some people, it’s tied to a past experience that has interfered with normal brain functioning. For other people, it’s sustained when the brain’s appraisal system becomes stuck in a faulty sequence and needs to be reset.

Once we know the cause, we'll use specific methods to help your brain work normally again.

Exposure Therapy for Anxiety Disorders

Research on anxiety consistently points to an empirically validated method for overcoming it: Exposure Therapy. Through Exposure Therapy for Anxiety, we’ll gently teach your brain to let go of anxiety and feel more at ease.

Some potential benefits from anxiety treatment:

  • Eliminate or significantly reduce maladaptive anxiety from your day-to-day life

  • Improve your ability to regulate emotions and reduce triggers

  • Increase motivation and conviction needed to align your life to your highest ideals

  • Learn to set healthy boundaries at work, school, or in relationships

  • Make key life decisions with more ease and less second-guessing

  • Feel more relaxed and focused in social settings

  • Increase your confidence and skill to discuss emotional topics with loved ones

  • Improve concentration and focus

  • Reduce or eliminate unhealthy coping strategies

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Overcome panic via specialized therapy for panic attack

Free Phone Consultation

Berkeley Anxiety Therapy (online): It’s important for you to choose an anxiety therapist with whom you feel comfortable talking with, so we invite you to book a free, 20-minute phone consultation here. Or, contact us directly to schedule a time or to ask questions: (510) 761-9818. Feel free to ask questions.

Two people pointing exposure therapy for anxiety