Ticket purchase link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rekindle-intimacy-and-trust-tickets-159197950355
Do you too often feel distant and lonely in your intimate relationship? Are there specific issues in your relationship that come up repeatedly and never seem to reach resolution? Or, perhaps you are tired of feeling angry and emotionally drained by long discussions?
In this workshop, California licensed therapist Tim Holtzman will offer a range of research and tips to help you rekindle intimacy and trust in your relationship.
Maintaining a fulfilling intimate relationship is a complicated and demanding undertaking. Despite the breathtaking love stories we encounter in movies and books, the truth is that a relationship doesn’t simply “work out” because you and your partner love each other. Just as a person can’t be an expert guitar player simply because he or she deeply loves music, neither can a person expect to be skilled in a relationship simply because he or she loves their romantic partner. Loving another is a fine-tuned art and skill that requires lifelong learning and practice.
Cost - $10 per computer (i.e. - a ticket will provide a video link for one computer to access). The final 20-minutes of the event will be used as a question and answer period. This event will be useful and applicable to couples of all backgrounds and sexual orientations, as well as for individuals currently or not currently in a relationship.
For some couples, therapy will be a wise investment needed to rebuild your relationship. And for other couples, using a few techniques and practices at home on your own will suffice. For those of you that are considering couples therapy – I’ll provide a range of tips on finding a skilled couples therapist. For those of you looking to improve your relationship without therapy – I’ll introduce a range of evidence-based practices and techniques that can help you manage on your own.
Tim Holtzman, M.S., LPCC # 5452 (www.timholtzmantherapy.com), is a private practice psychotherapist for couples and individuals, based in Berkeley, CA. Tim has worked as a therapist for the last ten years in both private practice and community-based organizations including SFSU’s Peggy Smith Clinic and Progress Foundation of San Francisco. Tim’s special trainings and experience include: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Couples, EMDR Trauma Therapy, Hakomi Mindfulness-Centered Therapy, and Internal Family Systems Therapy.